To Do: Rest 

To Do: Rest 

What even is rest? It’s something I’m supposed to do , right?

Im a “go getter”. I’m a doer. I don’t know how to sit still. I struggle through silence. I can’t be in the house without music. Spending quality time with God is easily forgotten. I have multiple tabs open. When I’m cooking, I’m cleaning, eating and watching the latest episode of my favourite television show. Rest is a foreign concept , unless it’s on my to do list , like a chore. If you’re not like me, you definitely know someone like me, or at least you’ve heard of the ‘Energizer Bunny’? (If not, Google right now.)

About a year ago, I thought I should learn about rest. My body, mind and spirit were begging me to slow down, chill out and rest. Maybe you know the signs too. You feel exhausted. Even the things you love doing seem to be on the same difficulty and achievable level as climbing Mount Everest. You would rather stay in bed than see people, eat or even watch TV. Your face’s colour is fading to a light grey and the bags under your eyes are not designer. You can’t remember the last time you didn’t cry. You feel completely alone and lost. Shoulders, tense. Heart, aching. Mind, racing. This was how I felt two years ago. 

I want to share with you what not to do in this situation: Move across the world to a city of 12 million people. Leave peachy beaches for the hustle and bustle.
Later Australia, hello london. 
The next genius move I made, was to take on a job that required everything of me. By everything, I mean mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and everything-ally. I wasn’t prepared for the job, I wasn’t even “rested” up, as close friends and family suggested I should have been. I felt absolutely drained. I was empty! Now rest was not just a good idea, I NEEDED rest. I needed to look after myself holistically to make it through the next day, if I wanted to do it well, or even to survive.

That job was teaching. That’s when I also started blogging , so if you’ve looked back you will see there has been a massive break between posts. Teaching got me good. It was the hardest, most challenging, fun, rewarding and exhausting jobs/ year of my life. I was the richest and poorest (financially and emotionally) I have ever been. It was 12 hour (sometimes longer) days and weekends. It was sleepless nights, classroom fights , memorable discussions with children , sowing in to their futures; even when they didn’t believe they had one. It was being brave and bold, discovering more of who I am and what I enjoy doing , what pushes my buttons. My heart was full of love for the children. There was tears of anger, joy and frustration. There was an amazing amount of support from family, friends and colleagues. (Without them, who knows where I would be now). I was getting to the end of my straw. I was becoming something I wasn’t, or someone I didn’t even want to be around. I felt like I was watching my life happen and I was just a wisp of air floating by. It was horrible. Before it got as bad as it did, I did actually attempt to “rest”. I tried to look after ME as so many people tell us to do. I had to, if I wanted to be able to face the day, let alone teach. I had to rest.

I added rest to my “to do” lists. I tried all different forms. I made sure I got large dosages of trips to hairdressers, painting nails, reading books, stretching , exercise , smoothies, green teas, deep breathing, swimming, dog patting, adult colouring books, seeing a counsellor, coffee dates, worship sessions, fluffy dressing gowns and socks, watching your favourite TV shows (Friends, New Girl and Parks & Recreation obviously) and even having time away from screens. This is rest, right? I’m looking after me, I’m chilling out, doing the things I like. This is what I thought it was, until even these things weren’t enough. I became worse off than I was before I moved to the big city! I didn’t feel myself anymore. I felt the bubbly, funny, and creative girl had lost her sparkle. I hated it, I even started hating me! 

The Bible verses I had believed in, that were on my heart, became an argument with God rather than an agreement. “God! You said you would fill my vats to overflowing! Why do I feel so empty? You said if I draw near to you, you would draw near to me! Where are you? Why do I feel like this?” (See Proverbs 3:10 and James 4:8). The light at the end of the tunnel seemed to be diminishing. The fire was going out. My strength started fading even more, and I felt so weak. I thought I could learn what rest is. I thought God would teach me. 

Some how, I knew deep down that He was with me and he would help me. I just didn’t know how or when, and that frustrated me. I wanted a way out! I couldn’t stand the way I was thinking! I knew all the right things to pray, think and do. It was the same advice I had been following and giving out for years. But, I felt couldn’t do it. Some people suggested “just pray” or “rest” or even, “start thinking positive thoughts again”. This made me feel even more helpless, they meant well, but I felt so flat. I felt I could not even do those things.  
Finally, when I felt I was at my lowest, I mustered up the courage to pray. I whispered the only prayer I could, “help”.
Very slowly, in His timing and not mine, things in the world started to regain colour. I was lead to make some big changes in my life, like quitting the job I had. I spoke to Godly people whom I trusted, and spent time with God. I felt like God was showing me that my mindset needed to be altered.

I realised I had been doing “rest” wrong. (Yes… I think it’s possible) God knows what rest is. He knew we would need it, it says in Matthew, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest”(11:28, NLT) and “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength…”(40:30-31a NIV). I don’t think the rest I needed was in “doing” more things or even stopping other things. Sure, rest should be relaxing and doing those other tasks rejuvenate and help us to look after our bodies, but I think the rest God speaks of is something else.
It’s actually love. 
Crazy, I know. 

As I read Psalm 23 and Romans 8, I’m reminded of God’s love. Resting in the green pastures, walking by the quiet streams, is more about being in His love, in His presence or creation. Rest is knowing you could do absolutely nothing today and God will still love you. This scares me, overwhelms and comforts me. However, I think this is exactly what His love is meant to be like. It explains in Psalms 103, “As high as the sky is above the earth, so great is his love for those who honor him” (11, GNT). His love is massive and overwhelming and we little humans can sometimes, for a number of reasons find it difficult to fathom. I think, now, that this is what life is, to learn this very sentence; I am loved. 

You are loved. 

This is what God has showed me rest should be like. God teaching us , and showing us how vast his love is. It’s this knowledge that brings me rest, and I want to know it even more. I’m not going to lie, it is really hard to accept this perfect grace and love. We aren’t perfect, and “whilst we were still sinners, Jesus dies for us” (Romans 5:8). This shows me that he’s going to keep loving us too. I constantly battle with the idea that I’m not worthy. It blows my mind, but let it sink in for you too, and you might just start to be able to rest easier. It’s going to be a journey , but that is what life is.
Here is my new ‘to do’ list:
To Do:

#1 Dedicate my whole life to falling more in love with Him and allowing myself to rest in His love.
My prayer for me and for you has been laid out in Ephesians, (thanks Paul) 

“that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge —that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV).
Stay tuned to see what life looks like post teaching ☀️

Eden X  


Sweet enough 

How do you have your tea? Black? White? Sugar? Maybe you’re saying ” TEA?! Cmon! Where’s my coffee! I bleed coffee.” (Ew.) 

I love it when people say, “I like my tea, like I like my man”… I mean, “I don’t need sugar darl, I’m sweet enough…” 

That’s so cute. And .. SO TRUE! 

I once heard that women are the colour and beauty of the world, they make life sweet. (Better shape up!?)

I also heard that kind words are like honey. Nice and sweet. (Better use more of them?)

There’s so many things that make life sweet… But for some reason I get caught up in the things I don’t have. Like a man. Cue violins. 

Happy 2016. Who was your New Years kiss? 


That’s not what we are talking about. Life is sweet enough!! 

I suppose I should start blogging again. 

You know, new year, new me blah blah. I was going to start again any ways, for you and for me. 

So many things have changed since I’ve written the last ones. Like …I’m blonde now (with a hint of pinks, purples and blues from the coloured chalks that my sisters added on NYE)

I’ll update you on that as we go, but for now, Here’s what I’m trying out in 2016: 
366 days of intentional singleness. 

•366 days of no sugar. 

•365 days (let’s be realistic’s 2.1.16) of small achievable goals, like book lists, documentaries, skills (finish that scarf I started knitting ) , finish watching friends, parks and recreation, travel to _____,______,&______! 


Here’s why, and you can judge, you can comment.

Or not. 
1. First the easy one : small achievable goals. I love fasting And cutting things out of my life. I’m doing a juice & social media cleanse soon (as a part of my Aussie church’s “fresh air fast”.

It makes you focus, and it makes you appreciate the things that you cut out. It gives you a new perspective too! Life can be mundane and boring so it’s good to have a challenge! I also like monthly goals , like “say no-vember ” and “one month of no tv or one month of baths or something . So fun! I could plan them.. But I’d rather go with the flow. 
2. Singleness. Oh but Eden, when did you last even have a boyfriend? 

Thanks for pointing that out. Again.

So, I haven’t had one in a while. Like 5 years. Being single , has had its ups and downs. But I’m never content with it, there’s been times where Ive been rocking it, “like look at me everyone! I’m single and loving it” but often I’ll meet someone , talk to them, fall for them, they don’t always fall for me, or for a number of reasons, I can’t be with them and then there’s the questions , and mind games “does he like me?” “do I like him?” “why didn’t he message back instantly?” “Our wedding will be…” 

I have a big heart, Love attention and love boys (well actually men! But I seem to always fall for boys who don’t know how to be a gentleman). I’m always chasing. It’s just exhausting! 

So what does a year of intentionally being single look like? 

I’m not 100% sure yet, but I think it’s more about thoughts. 

When I meet someone, I’m going to work on not thinking “I could marry him”, im avoiding mind games, dates, dreaming of PrincE charming. 

2015 was a big year, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. (Stay tuned for that post) , I’m really good at making my life about others. So I’m going to be a great girlfriend/wife . (I’m just so humble. )

I’m not that good at looking after me. I’m selfish, and I’m good at talking about me, and making fun of me. However, when it comes to resting, caring, dreaming, goal setting etc. I’m usually horrid. So I want to intentionally spend a couple of hundred days putting things in place to get better at doing those things. This blog is step one, and where I’ll document my new strategies etc. 

Some good ideas I have recently read: 

– Being single for a year is a gift, not a curse.

– You have the rest of forever to be with the one you choose to spend forever with.

– Be committed to you. & God 

– DATE YOU. Do you actually want to? You’re going to be with you for ever … If you can’t stand that , how can you expect anyone else to? 

Instead of searching for “da one” I’m focussing on

-Prayer. I wanna see miracles. Life in conversation with God is actually better, now I have had season without that I can confirm! 

-Finding out what I’m truly passionate about. Get dreaming, drawing and researching. I haven’t had a gap year, or saved for anything. Ever. 

-Building on existing relationships (I haven’t been that good at those, I like jumping around the world ) 

-feeling good in my own skin. 

– resting and being refreshed . Relationships (and teaching) and moving house and countries and cities can be exhausting …… 

– “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

– “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” Ephesians‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

– “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalms‬ ‭51:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

3. No sugar
Drum roll please … Get ready! This will blow your mind: sugar is killing us. It’s probably causing cancer , and slowing us down. It’s natural! But too much of anything is bad…right? Well.. I’m not going to give you any science right now, you can google that for yourself, but I’ve had seasons in 2015 without processed sugar , and they were awesome! Chocolate (for more reason that one) is my biggest weakness, and you’re probably thinking, “so what? Just eat it”. 

Since December 2014 , I have fallen asleep in multiple public places (basketball games, theatres, busses , trains, and the sofa when friends are over) , often alone and covered in…. 

Not poo. But chocolate. 

(If you go far enough back on my Instagram there is photo evidence of this.) I would eat chocolate and need a nap. Not a light – easily -disturbed nap. But a heavy – coma – like nap, that I couldn’t stop or break out of . 

My blood sugar levels are crazy!! Long story short, my body doesn’t break things down very well, and sugar impacts me a lot more than I thought! (If you really want to know more about the workings of my body, let me know and I’ll try to articulate them) 

I’m already dairy, gluten, yeast and wheat free. So I might as well solidify it and do them all with no sugar for a full year! I did a few months here and there in 2015 and compared to the months with those things , I slept better, my mood, energy skin, hair, teeth, and other bodily functions were so much better!! 

So what do I eat? 

Fresh , un packaged stuff and home made. Veggies and fruit. And pseudo grains (Quinoa , chia, flax, etc. )

I follow @deliciouslyElla, @KBSUGARFREE, @ameliafreer for tips. 

It’s about replacement, for example :

Honey for refined sugar

Date syrup and other fruits are actually so sweet! 

I’ll make my own raw chocolate (& nutella) with cacao ! (If you want recipes, stay tuned! ) I love it! I get to be creative and invent stuff in the kitchen! 

I’ve also introduced certain teas, sulpha and comfrey lead into my diet to suppress cravings. (All natural remedies).

So it seems possible … But I know it will be hard! Sugar is every where and in everything! It has its positives , but I’ve made my mind up! It’s only 364 more days. Besides, when I give it up… I might not ever want it again! 

The thing I hate the most is the social aspect, when I was teaching kids would buy my chocolate , or when you go out for a meal… “hi I’m Eden and yeah, I can’t eat that, that , that or that” but there are ways around it. I’m not the first to do this. So feel free to give me tips! 
So 2016 shall be an adventure, I’ll be searching for things other than a man or the chase of a boyfriend or eating ice cream and chocolates to make life sweeter. 

What are your plans? 

What are you going to do this year? This week or this month? 

What will you go without? Why or why not? 

How do you like your tea? 

Welcome to 2016. There’s no going back now. 

“But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!” Psalms‬ ‭54:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬