Beach, please. 

Beach, please. 

If you follow me on other social media, sorry for the over kill… But let’s just talk about the beach for a moment. The sand getting caught inbetween crevasses of toes. Sun warming your skin and bringing out the smiles .. And skin of everyone. Sea gently kissing the shore. It’s a beautiful place. 

I was brought up on the beaches of Australia, so when I get to see the beach here in England it makes my heart soar. I mean, some beaches have pebbles and dirty water , but it all still counts. 
Last week’s run took me to Exmouth, well, I drove there and then ran. I ran some in shoes, and some without. I had some locals even comment, “must be summer” (it’s only just becoming Spring now). I joined the many others that flocked to the beach simply because the sun was shining in England! It seemed the only thing that made me different, (apart from bare feet ) was that I didn’t have a dog! The caves and cliffs were stunning. 

I liked this run and didn’t want it to end. 

I always have this fear though, that I’ll over run, and make myself hate it. Maybe you’re like me, you drop hobbies as quick as you pick them up. I don’t want to drop this one in a heart beat. I want to stay in it for the long haul. So my plan is to stick to the C25K app, rest on weekends, take it slow and be nice to myself! 

I figure it’s literally like a marathon, learning to love running and keep at it, it’s not a short sprint. Well, not for me! 

Thanks for all the new followers! Keep sending tips!  

Loving my avocado shirt from Nutrition Stripped Society This blog, run by the beautiful Mckel Hill, is such an inspriation. It is full of fitness tips, nutrition, fashion, lifestyle and more. If you’re into having a healthy life- check it out! 

X Eden 

Ps. The recipe for the smoothie that sustained me before I gobbled down the chips (because it’s the seaside 🙈 and I added sweet potato , kale and lemon as well!) is at the bottom of this post. 

 Frozen Blueberries, banana, hemp protein powder, coconut milk blended. With almonds and mixed nuts and hemp seeds, coconut pieces and chia seeds for decoration 😸.  
SEA you next time 😹X 

Confession 🙀

Confession 🙀

So… I didn’t run today! BUT… I went for a walk instead! Promise! Excuse: The inside of my foot, above  my arch , near the ankle hurts. I didn’t want to push it, as it’s been hurting for a few days… If you’re a doctor or physio and you’re reading this… I’m sorry if I should have gone and seen a professional. 🤕😜😂

A few of you have suggested taking the weekends off , for a number of reasons, to allow yourself to crave the running during the weekdays; to rest, especially if you’re new to running for fear of burn out; or to give your self two days to change your routine up! 

What are your thoughts ? Run every day

Days 4-6 and I haven’t fallen in love , but today when I hadn’t gone for a run, and then took a step outside (it was actually sunny today) I realised what I had missed out on, so the walk in the sunny English afternoon did me well! Sun = fun. 

 I’ve been reading up of running techniques (thanks to Carly Riordan) and stretching ideas on this website:

There was a lot to read, but the videos were uber helpful. (Since I’m super visual when it comes to learning). I’ve been working on the calf muscles ever since  👍🏻👍🏻

Do you have some stretches , or techniques that you find helpful too? 

Thanks for all the messages, 

To run or not to run ? 



Image @runnerkimhall

Juicy Details 

Juicy Details 

Here’s what happened in my first month or two after I quit my job as a teacher in London … (It was now almost two months ago!)

Regret, denial, crying, excitement, sadness, missed the kids, missed the colleagues, missed the routine, happy, overwhelmed , anger….So, I was on a roller coaster of emotions. 🎢

The day after my last day of teaching at this particular school (I say it like this, because I don’t know if I’ll teach agin yet)  I started seeing in colour again. It’s hard to believe that one day could make the difference , my sleep app showed me I achieved a score of 92% quality sleep😴 ( It turns out, the actual process of making a decision to quit, was also weighing me down and keeping me stressed. 
It wasn’t easy! But it was needed! 
Shortly after quitting day; I went to Australia for a week. A week. Yes, all I took was carry on, I felt like a baller! It was a gift that I could go and attend my dear friend’s wedding. I got to spend some time in my home town too, it was so encouraging to catch up with pals, briefly , it wasn’t long enough , but refreshing never the less. It was good to remember where I had come from too. 
I learnt how to knit (thanks YouTube: I’m still knitting away at the scarf I started in the middle of Novermber …
I walked in to a souvenir / art shop and got a job. ( was an amazing experience , I met these people who were all artists, designers , actors or musicians who worked there. It was a pop up shop and so no one knew how long it was going to stay open. It had cool music and it was on the busiest street in London (well, one of them) and the busiest time of the year. It was so fun and creative, it inspired me. We were screen printing jumpers, sipping coffees, dancing and pretending like we nones about art (well… I was).  It was comforting to know that there was other people chasing their dreams, working at several jobs to fund their dreams and all searching for their next big move. I am not alone. 

If you’re wondering why I didn’t teach straight away, and stay living in London…here’s why: I was on a temporary contract. I couldn’t get paid holidays or sick days.  Over summer , I didn’t get paid for 12 weeks. I was never financially stable, because just when you thought you would be, another holiday would come. It’s not as if I could work in the holidays because (usually about 1-2 weeks off) because I was so exhausted from school!i needs to catch up on marking and sleeping !  As well as this, around  the time I was quitting I was trying to improve my health, I had many food intolerances and outgoing a were rising! I had to get out of London! To save my health and wallet! 

 And now I’m sharing a bunk bed with my twelve year old sister. 


I haven’t lived with my mum properly since I was sixteen. So it was a big thing for me to decide to move in! I had always refused. I felt like I was Annie from the film Bridesmaids “I had hit rock bottom”.  Thank God “Castway” isn’t on UK Netflix 😉 … Don’t get me wrong, living with my family is not horrible, it’s just that I am used to being independent (or pretending to be an adult! So many people in my life have suported me financially and emotionally etc so I’m not even sure I have actually been independent properly).  

 I’m a child all over again, with no car, no job and no cares… Well, except that major thought hanging over me “what are you going to do next?”.

The advice I had received before moving to the countryside was:

• get bored so that you will be able to get creative again 

• do something that scares you 

• spend some time writing lists , or visiting old dreams / ideas 

• rest (and we all now know what I thought it meant and now what I know it means!)

So, I’m allowing myself to do all of these things. I don’t want to launch into something massive right now, which is unusual for me, and I’m wondering how long it will last… I’m being honest with you. I haven’t felt like this, or explored this side of life before. Doing nothing.  I don’t really want to do anything . I’m thinking art school, drama school, teaching, nutrition , cafe , book writing, working and travelling, pastoring, tutoring, the list goes on. 

There is too much choice. But, I’m loving cooking and helping the siblings at the moment. 


Last week I did a  juice fast (or a cleanse if you like to call it that). 

It was amazing. Three days and the only things I chewed were a few grapes and any food partical that I hadn’t juiced properly. It brought clarity and peace that I haven’t experienced for a while. 

Do I have a plan for my life?  Nope. Not yet. I am working on getting a car so I can move around this countryside city! Apart from that, I’ve sent some of my writing to magazines companies, researched degrees or jobs, and thought about life a lot. I’m currently going through a list of books, films and podcasts. I’ve got to regain strength mentally. And most importantly , I need to rest in God. Seriously, Christians and non Christians , I don’t mind your beliefs. Reminding yourself of what you are capable of, or the foundations on which you lay your life… Daily… Is important . You might say “meditate” or “think positively”, that’s fine. The reason why it’s so important to say to the mirror “you’re a bad ass mother who takes no crap from no body” (thank you Cool Runnings)  is because affirmations ARE IMPORTANT. You can live your life, fill it up with everything , post on social media that life is brilliant , but if you don’t know who you are, or what you are like , you do feel lost . I know it! My Bible tells me who I am! I’m realising more than ever , I believe it meow for your life than I do for mine! I don’t even know why! During  the juice cleanse I re-learnt the things that the Bible actually says about me. Man, a dude named Jesus died for me. (And a tonne of other stuff , just Check out the other things below). I have purpose , and beauty, and I am forgiven. Maybe these things don’t mean anything to you now. But they do for me. They are starting to set me free again. 
Did I get an answer for what to do next mid juice fast? No, but I started to feel better about even being on the earth. I think that’s a pretty good achievement.
I’m not saying , everyone do a juice cleanse / fast. I AM saying that being deliberate about spending time with God and meditating on “positive vibes maannnnn” or whatever (I use the Bible , because it’s Alive!) is a worthy cause. There’s even some science to prove it. (Google it). 
So there is some insight into where I am  at. I hope it makes sense, and brings some light to the situation. What’s your story!? Share with me! Or ask questions ! Please X 

Ps. If you did want to do a juice cleanse here’s how I did it! 

PPS. I have also done a social media fast for a month. It was fantastic, it meant I had time for other hobbies and didn’t have the desire to spend my life scrolling down. I have more thoughts on this though, but I’ll save it for another post … 

Juice Fast motives: 

• to detoxify the polution from foods and other things hanging around inside 

• to refocus my heart and mind , through sacrificing my favourite thing: food, to reconnect with God and on a deeper level (my church in Australia does a fast called “Fresh Air” at the beginning of the year as well, it’s a time to set aside time to surrender last year and dedicate the new year to him too. 

• to remind myself of who I am and what I am. 

• to rediscover the energy you get from food ! 

• to heal from the inside out 

• to prepare my body for no refined sugar and get rid of cravings 

The process:

I followed the time guidelines as per the images below. During different juices in the day I would read scriptures and wrote down prayers or ideas that I had about them. If I wanted to fight them out I would. I let what ever needed to come out … To come out. (You can read that HOWEVER you wish. Ha ha). This also helped with cravings.

 I made sure I took it easy as well. The last time I did a cleanse , I worked full time! 

You will lack energy, but some how gain a dynamic energy! Your bowel movements will change ! You will glow and loose water retention from your body! You will get upset and want to quit! After the hell of the charcoal / salt drink you will probably feel nauseous … Push through 💩😸 it’s doing a great thing in you. 

You don’t have to follow what I did … But I know a few of you asked me how I did it! 

Recipes below are naturopath approved. However, the first cleanse I did , I based around @plenishcleanse (



Sweet enough 

How do you have your tea? Black? White? Sugar? Maybe you’re saying ” TEA?! Cmon! Where’s my coffee! I bleed coffee.” (Ew.) 

I love it when people say, “I like my tea, like I like my man”… I mean, “I don’t need sugar darl, I’m sweet enough…” 

That’s so cute. And .. SO TRUE! 

I once heard that women are the colour and beauty of the world, they make life sweet. (Better shape up!?)

I also heard that kind words are like honey. Nice and sweet. (Better use more of them?)

There’s so many things that make life sweet… But for some reason I get caught up in the things I don’t have. Like a man. Cue violins. 

Happy 2016. Who was your New Years kiss? 


That’s not what we are talking about. Life is sweet enough!! 

I suppose I should start blogging again. 

You know, new year, new me blah blah. I was going to start again any ways, for you and for me. 

So many things have changed since I’ve written the last ones. Like …I’m blonde now (with a hint of pinks, purples and blues from the coloured chalks that my sisters added on NYE)

I’ll update you on that as we go, but for now, Here’s what I’m trying out in 2016: 
366 days of intentional singleness. 

•366 days of no sugar. 

•365 days (let’s be realistic’s 2.1.16) of small achievable goals, like book lists, documentaries, skills (finish that scarf I started knitting ) , finish watching friends, parks and recreation, travel to _____,______,&______! 


Here’s why, and you can judge, you can comment.

Or not. 
1. First the easy one : small achievable goals. I love fasting And cutting things out of my life. I’m doing a juice & social media cleanse soon (as a part of my Aussie church’s “fresh air fast”.

It makes you focus, and it makes you appreciate the things that you cut out. It gives you a new perspective too! Life can be mundane and boring so it’s good to have a challenge! I also like monthly goals , like “say no-vember ” and “one month of no tv or one month of baths or something . So fun! I could plan them.. But I’d rather go with the flow. 
2. Singleness. Oh but Eden, when did you last even have a boyfriend? 

Thanks for pointing that out. Again.

So, I haven’t had one in a while. Like 5 years. Being single , has had its ups and downs. But I’m never content with it, there’s been times where Ive been rocking it, “like look at me everyone! I’m single and loving it” but often I’ll meet someone , talk to them, fall for them, they don’t always fall for me, or for a number of reasons, I can’t be with them and then there’s the questions , and mind games “does he like me?” “do I like him?” “why didn’t he message back instantly?” “Our wedding will be…” 

I have a big heart, Love attention and love boys (well actually men! But I seem to always fall for boys who don’t know how to be a gentleman). I’m always chasing. It’s just exhausting! 

So what does a year of intentionally being single look like? 

I’m not 100% sure yet, but I think it’s more about thoughts. 

When I meet someone, I’m going to work on not thinking “I could marry him”, im avoiding mind games, dates, dreaming of PrincE charming. 

2015 was a big year, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. (Stay tuned for that post) , I’m really good at making my life about others. So I’m going to be a great girlfriend/wife . (I’m just so humble. )

I’m not that good at looking after me. I’m selfish, and I’m good at talking about me, and making fun of me. However, when it comes to resting, caring, dreaming, goal setting etc. I’m usually horrid. So I want to intentionally spend a couple of hundred days putting things in place to get better at doing those things. This blog is step one, and where I’ll document my new strategies etc. 

Some good ideas I have recently read: 

– Being single for a year is a gift, not a curse.

– You have the rest of forever to be with the one you choose to spend forever with.

– Be committed to you. & God 

– DATE YOU. Do you actually want to? You’re going to be with you for ever … If you can’t stand that , how can you expect anyone else to? 

Instead of searching for “da one” I’m focussing on

-Prayer. I wanna see miracles. Life in conversation with God is actually better, now I have had season without that I can confirm! 

-Finding out what I’m truly passionate about. Get dreaming, drawing and researching. I haven’t had a gap year, or saved for anything. Ever. 

-Building on existing relationships (I haven’t been that good at those, I like jumping around the world ) 

-feeling good in my own skin. 

– resting and being refreshed . Relationships (and teaching) and moving house and countries and cities can be exhausting …… 

– “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

– “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” Ephesians‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

– “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalms‬ ‭51:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

3. No sugar
Drum roll please … Get ready! This will blow your mind: sugar is killing us. It’s probably causing cancer , and slowing us down. It’s natural! But too much of anything is bad…right? Well.. I’m not going to give you any science right now, you can google that for yourself, but I’ve had seasons in 2015 without processed sugar , and they were awesome! Chocolate (for more reason that one) is my biggest weakness, and you’re probably thinking, “so what? Just eat it”. 

Since December 2014 , I have fallen asleep in multiple public places (basketball games, theatres, busses , trains, and the sofa when friends are over) , often alone and covered in…. 

Not poo. But chocolate. 

(If you go far enough back on my Instagram there is photo evidence of this.) I would eat chocolate and need a nap. Not a light – easily -disturbed nap. But a heavy – coma – like nap, that I couldn’t stop or break out of . 

My blood sugar levels are crazy!! Long story short, my body doesn’t break things down very well, and sugar impacts me a lot more than I thought! (If you really want to know more about the workings of my body, let me know and I’ll try to articulate them) 

I’m already dairy, gluten, yeast and wheat free. So I might as well solidify it and do them all with no sugar for a full year! I did a few months here and there in 2015 and compared to the months with those things , I slept better, my mood, energy skin, hair, teeth, and other bodily functions were so much better!! 

So what do I eat? 

Fresh , un packaged stuff and home made. Veggies and fruit. And pseudo grains (Quinoa , chia, flax, etc. )

I follow @deliciouslyElla, @KBSUGARFREE, @ameliafreer for tips. 

It’s about replacement, for example :

Honey for refined sugar

Date syrup and other fruits are actually so sweet! 

I’ll make my own raw chocolate (& nutella) with cacao ! (If you want recipes, stay tuned! ) I love it! I get to be creative and invent stuff in the kitchen! 

I’ve also introduced certain teas, sulpha and comfrey lead into my diet to suppress cravings. (All natural remedies).

So it seems possible … But I know it will be hard! Sugar is every where and in everything! It has its positives , but I’ve made my mind up! It’s only 364 more days. Besides, when I give it up… I might not ever want it again! 

The thing I hate the most is the social aspect, when I was teaching kids would buy my chocolate , or when you go out for a meal… “hi I’m Eden and yeah, I can’t eat that, that , that or that” but there are ways around it. I’m not the first to do this. So feel free to give me tips! 
So 2016 shall be an adventure, I’ll be searching for things other than a man or the chase of a boyfriend or eating ice cream and chocolates to make life sweeter. 

What are your plans? 

What are you going to do this year? This week or this month? 

What will you go without? Why or why not? 

How do you like your tea? 

Welcome to 2016. There’s no going back now. 

“But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!” Psalms‬ ‭54:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬