📝An ode to lengthy locks.

It’s lifeless. It’s damaged by daily wear and tear. There is evidence of Sun beams , salt, shampoos and silly dyes, stains & styles. 

As the first decent amount falls, ( on a floor you’ve hopefully prepared to clean up later-because you plan ahead and consider consequences…sometimes) you think, “this will be great, a new style, new me , new year”, “I’ve never done this before! So exciting”, “can’t wait to show people”. It might go on to things like “such a big difference, fresh new roots with no damage” then , like someone flipped a switch…
It’s not lifeless. It’s evidence of my adventures. It’s part of who I am. It completes outfits and keeps things fresh. Or perhaps it was the only constant in my world of ever changing variables. 
It’s been the one thing I’ve changed the most throughout my life. Being banned from scissors at a young change was a challenge , not a problem. 
This time it felt permanent. Even more than a tattoo.  
I’ve gone from brunette and believing I will never dye my hair to going blonde (and all colours under the sun). The first time my friend and I dyed it when I was teaching in London … except it went all shades of orange. I got some great nick names from my high school students. Since then I’ve been Katy Perry purple, Mandarin orange, blue, green and everything in between. 
I can dress silly and not care about what people think…or so I thought. As the short mangily, half dyed locks came off , the tears streamed down my face. Tears of laughter and excitement, fear and regret. 
They say – confidence and beauty comes from within. Shaving your head will prove that to yourself. 

I am loving the fact I’ve crossed something off my “things to do in life” list. 

It will teach me patience. 

It has taught me already, that beauty is in the way you see yourself, the way you carry yourself and the way you think one should look vs. How you look. 

Does having a shaved head really make me less of a woman? Hella no. But for some reason a part of me fights with this.. we have been conditioned to think other wise! Stuff the rules and social norms people! I love how bad ass I feel! 

Boys and girls… Could you shave your hair off today?
 (Here’s the journey in photos) (thank you Mel, Oli, Joe, Brendan, Bec, Deborah #justcuts & CJ for being apart of it.) 

Plantbased Calcium

As soon as I mention being plant-based or vegan to anyone, a look of horror emerges on their face as they ask ‘how will you get your protein? calcium? iron?’ The answer to all of those …

Source: Plantbased Calcium

Walls in China. 

Aside from the Great Wall , there’s a few walls you gotta either get used to or figure out ways to conquer.

Actually I think, it’s more about appreciating a new “normal” .. You’ve probably heard about them all , but I’ll write about my experience! 
Personal space and queues 

What is personal space? Whatever you think it should be – divide by 8. That’s how it is here. Living in London prepared me for busy undergrounds and queues (I mean.. Maybe I haven’t fully seen the worst of it yet? I thankfully commute to work outside peak hour times!! #blessed ). People love to lean in and take secret selfies with me… I always try dress to impress now, just in case I get featured in someone’s family photo… Again! My friend who’s been living here a while (tall, tattooed, fair skinned male) gets this attention too and has predicted I won’t enjoy this attention for too long. I’m out to prove him wrong though! (Wish me luck!) if you’re having a bad day people getting up in your grill isn’t the best but hey… Imagine a life where people don’t appreciate your looks ! 😂😂😂… Also, a lady met me in tube and followed me for a while to tell me she wanted to paint my portrait (not naked…) so stay tuned for that! (What even is my life?) 
Language barriers 

Well, that might seem obvious. I’m thankful for the local teachers that are helping me navigate my way around. They are my translators!  When I get messages or documents in Chinese I feel so unintelligent . Like looking at all these little markings … I now know what it’s like to be a child again, seeing characters and knowing “this means something, I know it does” . It’s like reading The DaVinci code … When I do recognise characters or understand / guess what people are talking about, I feel so proud! I thank my body language reading skills (not tone reading … You can never really tell if Chinese people are fully angry!). I would like to thank Google translate and the camera feature that means you take a photo and it translates words from mandarin!

 I can tell you one thing- smiles still go a long way here! I mean they are already staring , so smile ! 

So , this part of the blog is to address  out  all Chinese restaurants in Australia and England (and perhaps beyond)… Can you get some more variety and real Chinese food? Honey chicken doesn’t even exist here (it might come from another chinese province … But shhh) 

Food is great, I love it. My body doesn’t , since I’m gluten and wheat and dairy intolerant. I know I’ll get into a groove and figure it out soon, but they put secret things in recipes here (MSG) and like chicken feet (surprise!) so it’s going to be a long process. Thank God for green tea (Lü Cha! (I think that’s how you spell it)) and the kitchen I share with a pooping Poodle & it’s Chinese family ,  so thankfully  I can sometimes make my own meals – especially smoothies!!! Stay tuned for some blogs on food …obviously. To be honest , most of the places I’ve been I can’t even read or pronounce the names, so, I  can’t even recommend that many restaurants ! 😂
Toilet paper 

If you haven’t laughed at my blog yet, don’t worry you will soon. I’ll have posts dedicated to toilet trips. But, if you’re coming to visit , pack some tissue ! Don’t forget to wipe ( unlike some of my students!) and then don’t flush the paper down the toilet .. A big no-no! You gotta bin it! So you get a real experience of how everyone else’s bowel movements have been.  

Ha! Well I know I’ve been on Facebook and Instagram more than I thought I would or could. I have to use a VPN (proxy) for sites like these and Google, FaceTime , google translate and maps because they are blocked by government. Even with my VPN app they take forever to load!(ssshhh) So WeChat is the Chinese equivalent … It runs China. You even pay for bills from this app! If you’ve downloaded it outside of China, it might not notify you (for some reason ) but it’s the best way to contact your Chinese pals! We don’t even really make phone calls or text it’s all about WeChat ! ( I say “we” as if I’m a local … ! ) 

The lack of Google / slow Google is a bit of a bummer because when you’re like “what’s the meaning of this…” “What’s that actress’ name” “what’s that song” it’s no longer a “google it” solution! Well, I mean you can – it’s just slow on the VPN, otherwise you gotta use a Chinese version 😂😂 good luck! I mean, I’ve actually decided that FB is good to tell you guys what I’ve been up to, and Instagram is a great way to publish photos and reflect on them later, but we can live with out them all… Google on the other hand … I’ll have to actually use my brain. And I can’t even use a library as its all in Chinese … 


You start to realise how much water you consume when you have to buy the bottled stuff. You can’t drink from the taps here (some brave soldiers boil and then drink … Which I have done and I probably have diseases now) so you gotta buy it all! 

Also, if you’re sick, got a broken leg, headache, tired or blind, the solution is: DRINK HOT WATER. Currently got the flu and the lovely Aiyi cleaning lady at my centre keeps yelling at me in Chinese. I found out she’s been telling me to drink hot water. The slogan at work is “drink hot water or die”. It’s actually really soothing and helpful … Who knows maybe traditional Chinese medicine knows a little thing or two. (Let me know if you try it!) 

It hasn’t been that bad here .. But even in the summery blue skies here , there is a bit of heaviness in the air. I’ve been warned that “winter is coming” and the smog will only get worse! So I’d better stock up on those surgical looking masks 


Humans, animals, cars, busses, bikes, Tuk Tuks … There is always some form of transport or obstacle in your way! There is some road rules , but if you honk your horn you can get away with most things. Red lights don’t really mean THAT much. Pedestrian crossing are a nice suggestion. Also, when i saw a car on the path way, honking to move people out of the way,  I thought to myself “I’ve really seen it all now!” . 

Pea ice creams! 

So far China has taught me to appreciate the little things and things that usually come easy! It’s not necessarily good or better or right or wrong …it’s different. Next time you drink from the tap or flush loo paper .. Think of me he he he xx 🚽

I’m back to the blogging 

People keep telling me to blog … I’ve started blogging at so many different times. I use Instagram so much more … But here I’ll record some extra stories for your pleasure. Yes, usually I talk about food or travel. So this is what you’re going to get more of! #yourewelcome


If you had told me last year , or even 8 months ago that I’d be living in Beijing I would actually probably believe you. I’m just THAT crazy I have become. However, if you told the twelve year old Eden , I would have freaked out. I did a project on the Great Wall of China. I got 19/20. I asked the teacher why… (Sorry Miss Schofield) and she couldn’t answer so I got 100% instead. (#nailedit I have also become a teacher because of sweet and encouraging people like her! But haven’t had any students question my marks..yet) . It was at this time I realised how big the world was, and how much I didn’t understand. I had travelled a lot even for a twelve year old. China seemed so foreign. So Unknown. The history and beliefs seemed so different to mine. I remember reading a book and browsing on my dial up Internet that people died whilst building the wall! It blew me away. 
Last week I walked a part of the wall. It was quite special. It is massive! Some parts have been renovated, I’m told I have to get outside Beijing if I want to see the old stuff. The team of people I went with made the trip so GREAT too. People from China and around the world gathered to climb it. We bonded over music; my two favourite parts of the Day involved people watching and listening to tunes. Then we sung and danced all over the wall and at the Summer Palace! So , I’m blonde at the moment every time I leave the house people want photos with me. Add singing and dancing into the mix – we were quite the feature! I’m sure we are probably famous on some Chinese version of YouTube … 
We also caught a toboggan / slow roller coaster down. It was funny , the amount of time wasn’t worth the money – but couldn’t resist!! I mean.. Sure I’d like that money now whilst waiting for pay day…but who knows, maybe I’ll never get the chance to go to the wall again! 
The world IS big (or is it?) , and living in all different countries shows me so much about humans and God. Can’t wait to share it with you all! Even though I haven’t really surprised myself living in Beijing … It surprises me how normal it feels! 
I’m a trained history and English secondary teacher … Now I’m teaching Drama to little kids aged 3-12 who don’t even speak my language. The next few months of blog posts will be filled of encounters, life lessons and stories! If you like them, can relate or hate em .. Let me know! 
x E 

Someone’s captured me posing with a stranger! 

Beach, please. 

Beach, please. 

If you follow me on other social media, sorry for the over kill… But let’s just talk about the beach for a moment. The sand getting caught inbetween crevasses of toes. Sun warming your skin and bringing out the smiles .. And skin of everyone. Sea gently kissing the shore. It’s a beautiful place. 

I was brought up on the beaches of Australia, so when I get to see the beach here in England it makes my heart soar. I mean, some beaches have pebbles and dirty water , but it all still counts. 
Last week’s run took me to Exmouth, well, I drove there and then ran. I ran some in shoes, and some without. I had some locals even comment, “must be summer” (it’s only just becoming Spring now). I joined the many others that flocked to the beach simply because the sun was shining in England! It seemed the only thing that made me different, (apart from bare feet ) was that I didn’t have a dog! The caves and cliffs were stunning. 

I liked this run and didn’t want it to end. 

I always have this fear though, that I’ll over run, and make myself hate it. Maybe you’re like me, you drop hobbies as quick as you pick them up. I don’t want to drop this one in a heart beat. I want to stay in it for the long haul. So my plan is to stick to the C25K app, rest on weekends, take it slow and be nice to myself! 

I figure it’s literally like a marathon, learning to love running and keep at it, it’s not a short sprint. Well, not for me! 

Thanks for all the new followers! Keep sending tips!  

Loving my avocado shirt from Nutrition Stripped Society This blog, run by the beautiful Mckel Hill, is such an inspriation. It is full of fitness tips, nutrition, fashion, lifestyle and more. If you’re into having a healthy life- check it out! 

X Eden 

Ps. The recipe for the smoothie that sustained me before I gobbled down the chips (because it’s the seaside 🙈 and I added sweet potato , kale and lemon as well!) is at the bottom of this post. 

 Frozen Blueberries, banana, hemp protein powder, coconut milk blended. With almonds and mixed nuts and hemp seeds, coconut pieces and chia seeds for decoration 😸.  
SEA you next time 😹X 

Running away from home… 

Running away from home… 

I’m visiting Exeter for a few days … Or maybe more.

 Who knows. 

So, today’s run took me to the Royal Albert Gallery and Museum. I ran around the high street (with some walking as per the C25K app told me) and took in as much as I could whilst jogging past. The funny thing is, not so long ago , I would have been walking and judging the silly people who were wearing  bright and tight running clothing, working up a sweat through the crowds. Like, who even does that? 
Today. That was me. 
I used to think, who excercises when they are on holiday? 
Today. That was me. I loved it. I loved that I didn’t really know where I was going, or for how long. I got distracted by the new sights , so the walk-run combo didn’t feel like forever. 

Now, I’m writing from a cool cafe, I’m even thinking , I’ll probably run-walk back. Not to work off the food…because that’s silly… But because I think I actually want to… And it’s windy and rainy! So it’s a good way to keep warm! 


Here’s some food snaps of an awesome place in Exeter : The Glorious Art House

It even has gluten free, vegan and organic options. Plus… A local art gallery on the top floor! 

Definitely worth running to! 

  100% cacao & coffee mocha   
Moroccan Tagine (gluten free vegan) 

Snap chat me @swedenmay … I enjoy the filters  and the museum staff also enjoyed my selfie taking … 




Confession 🙀

Confession 🙀

So… I didn’t run today! BUT… I went for a walk instead! Promise! Excuse: The inside of my foot, above  my arch , near the ankle hurts. I didn’t want to push it, as it’s been hurting for a few days… If you’re a doctor or physio and you’re reading this… I’m sorry if I should have gone and seen a professional. 🤕😜😂

A few of you have suggested taking the weekends off , for a number of reasons, to allow yourself to crave the running during the weekdays; to rest, especially if you’re new to running for fear of burn out; or to give your self two days to change your routine up! 

What are your thoughts ? Run every day

Days 4-6 and I haven’t fallen in love , but today when I hadn’t gone for a run, and then took a step outside (it was actually sunny today) I realised what I had missed out on, so the walk in the sunny English afternoon did me well! Sun = fun. 

 I’ve been reading up of running techniques (thanks to Carly Riordan) and stretching ideas on this website: 

There was a lot to read, but the videos were uber helpful. (Since I’m super visual when it comes to learning). I’ve been working on the calf muscles ever since  👍🏻👍🏻

Do you have some stretches , or techniques that you find helpful too? 

Thanks for all the messages, 

To run or not to run ? 



Image @runnerkimhall

Running March 

Running March 

Ok. So if you’ve been following me recently, you would have noticed; 

A) I’m making smoothie bowls and taking pictures of them – SO FUN & YUM! Thanks for the personal messages and tags and likes showing me that you’ve been inspired or you would like a recipe X 

B) I got a car 🚗

C) I’m still technically unemployed 

D) I want to love running. 

So, as a lot of you have given me tips, this month I am running. Every. Day. 

I will love it. I will get fit and stay fit. I’m healthy… (With allergies and intolerances I have no choice! Hooray!) so it’s time to get fit
I’m blogging about it so that you can keep me accountable and maybe get inspired 😋. So, please, ask me questions, give me advice, link me to your profiles & send me things to try! I’m going to be as honest, humourous and probably unprofessional as can be. I want to be raw … Because let’s be honest, excercise, for some of us, is actually really hard! Over the next 30 (now 27) days let’s  discuss work out plans, fashion, food and everything running. 

The app I haven chosen to monitor and motivate me  is: C25K (http://c25kfree.com/ ). Here’s why: because it’s free and I am going literally from the couch / kitchen to the running world. It’s nice enough to let me walk into it. The app itself also tells me what to do and when. Just make sure your phone isn’t on silent!  I can listen to any music or podcasts (the latest preaching series from Hope City London about “FOMO (fear of missing out) ” has been great – check it out

Running update: Day one and two weren’t that bad!

Day one I felt really heavy and like I couldn’t move my legs any more… I accidentally didn’t use the app and ended up running / walking for an hour. 

Day two, skin is peeling of my lips due to the frosty winds (it’s been like 3 degrees here!) and my foot near the arch is hurting. I’m like a baby. Excercise is killing me… But how else do kids learn to walk? By getting hurt. 

Half an hour run/walk combo , featuring a hill is a way better idea! 

Until next time , when I’ll discuss the tips I’m trying to put into practice and the bloggers who have inspired me this far… 

Run hard or go home. 

Ha! Or run and then go home. 

X Eden  

(Photo is from the C25K app!) 


Juicy Details 

Juicy Details 

Here’s what happened in my first month or two after I quit my job as a teacher in London … (It was now almost two months ago!)

Regret, denial, crying, excitement, sadness, missed the kids, missed the colleagues, missed the routine, happy, overwhelmed , anger….So, I was on a roller coaster of emotions. 🎢

The day after my last day of teaching at this particular school (I say it like this, because I don’t know if I’ll teach agin yet)  I started seeing in colour again. It’s hard to believe that one day could make the difference , my sleep app showed me I achieved a score of 92% quality sleep😴 (http://www.sleepcycle.com/). It turns out, the actual process of making a decision to quit, was also weighing me down and keeping me stressed. 
It wasn’t easy! But it was needed! 
Shortly after quitting day; I went to Australia for a week. A week. Yes, all I took was carry on, I felt like a baller! It was a gift that I could go and attend my dear friend’s wedding. I got to spend some time in my home town too, it was so encouraging to catch up with pals, briefly , it wasn’t long enough , but refreshing never the less. It was good to remember where I had come from too. 
I learnt how to knit (thanks YouTube:http://youtu.be/ONVQCK_-rKc). I’m still knitting away at the scarf I started in the middle of Novermber …
I walked in to a souvenir / art shop and got a job. (http://www.webuilt-thiscity.com/)It was an amazing experience , I met these people who were all artists, designers , actors or musicians who worked there. It was a pop up shop and so no one knew how long it was going to stay open. It had cool music and it was on the busiest street in London (well, one of them) and the busiest time of the year. It was so fun and creative, it inspired me. We were screen printing jumpers, sipping coffees, dancing and pretending like we nones about art (well… I was).  It was comforting to know that there was other people chasing their dreams, working at several jobs to fund their dreams and all searching for their next big move. I am not alone. 

If you’re wondering why I didn’t teach straight away, and stay living in London…here’s why: I was on a temporary contract. I couldn’t get paid holidays or sick days.  Over summer , I didn’t get paid for 12 weeks. I was never financially stable, because just when you thought you would be, another holiday would come. It’s not as if I could work in the holidays because (usually about 1-2 weeks off) because I was so exhausted from school!i needs to catch up on marking and sleeping !  As well as this, around  the time I was quitting I was trying to improve my health, I had many food intolerances and outgoing a were rising! I had to get out of London! To save my health and wallet! 

 And now I’m sharing a bunk bed with my twelve year old sister. 


I haven’t lived with my mum properly since I was sixteen. So it was a big thing for me to decide to move in! I had always refused. I felt like I was Annie from the film Bridesmaids “I had hit rock bottom”.  Thank God “Castway” isn’t on UK Netflix 😉 … Don’t get me wrong, living with my family is not horrible, it’s just that I am used to being independent (or pretending to be an adult! So many people in my life have suported me financially and emotionally etc so I’m not even sure I have actually been independent properly).  

 I’m a child all over again, with no car, no job and no cares… Well, except that major thought hanging over me “what are you going to do next?”.

The advice I had received before moving to the countryside was:

• get bored so that you will be able to get creative again 

• do something that scares you 

• spend some time writing lists , or visiting old dreams / ideas 

• rest (and we all now know what I thought it meant and now what I know it means!)

So, I’m allowing myself to do all of these things. I don’t want to launch into something massive right now, which is unusual for me, and I’m wondering how long it will last… I’m being honest with you. I haven’t felt like this, or explored this side of life before. Doing nothing.  I don’t really want to do anything . I’m thinking art school, drama school, teaching, nutrition , cafe , book writing, working and travelling, pastoring, tutoring, the list goes on. 

There is too much choice. But, I’m loving cooking and helping the siblings at the moment. 


Last week I did a  juice fast (or a cleanse if you like to call it that). 

It was amazing. Three days and the only things I chewed were a few grapes and any food partical that I hadn’t juiced properly. It brought clarity and peace that I haven’t experienced for a while. 

Do I have a plan for my life?  Nope. Not yet. I am working on getting a car so I can move around this countryside city! Apart from that, I’ve sent some of my writing to magazines companies, researched degrees or jobs, and thought about life a lot. I’m currently going through a list of books, films and podcasts. I’ve got to regain strength mentally. And most importantly , I need to rest in God. Seriously, Christians and non Christians , I don’t mind your beliefs. Reminding yourself of what you are capable of, or the foundations on which you lay your life… Daily… Is important . You might say “meditate” or “think positively”, that’s fine. The reason why it’s so important to say to the mirror “you’re a bad ass mother who takes no crap from no body” (thank you Cool Runnings)  is because affirmations ARE IMPORTANT. You can live your life, fill it up with everything , post on social media that life is brilliant , but if you don’t know who you are, or what you are like , you do feel lost . I know it! My Bible tells me who I am! I’m realising more than ever , I believe it meow for your life than I do for mine! I don’t even know why! During  the juice cleanse I re-learnt the things that the Bible actually says about me. Man, a dude named Jesus died for me. (And a tonne of other stuff , just Check out the other things below). I have purpose , and beauty, and I am forgiven. Maybe these things don’t mean anything to you now. But they do for me. They are starting to set me free again. 
Did I get an answer for what to do next mid juice fast? No, but I started to feel better about even being on the earth. I think that’s a pretty good achievement.
I’m not saying , everyone do a juice cleanse / fast. I AM saying that being deliberate about spending time with God and meditating on “positive vibes maannnnn” or whatever (I use the Bible , because it’s Alive!) is a worthy cause. There’s even some science to prove it. (Google it). 
So there is some insight into where I am  at. I hope it makes sense, and brings some light to the situation. What’s your story!? Share with me! Or ask questions ! Please X 

Ps. If you did want to do a juice cleanse here’s how I did it! 

PPS. I have also done a social media fast for a month. It was fantastic, it meant I had time for other hobbies and didn’t have the desire to spend my life scrolling down. I have more thoughts on this though, but I’ll save it for another post … 

Juice Fast motives: 

• to detoxify the polution from foods and other things hanging around inside 

• to refocus my heart and mind , through sacrificing my favourite thing: food, to reconnect with God and on a deeper level (my church in Australia does a fast called “Fresh Air” at the beginning of the year as well, it’s a time to set aside time to surrender last year and dedicate the new year to him too. 

• to remind myself of who I am and what I am. 

• to rediscover the energy you get from food ! 

• to heal from the inside out 

• to prepare my body for no refined sugar and get rid of cravings 

The process:

I followed the time guidelines as per the images below. During different juices in the day I would read scriptures and wrote down prayers or ideas that I had about them. If I wanted to fight them out I would. I let what ever needed to come out … To come out. (You can read that HOWEVER you wish. Ha ha). This also helped with cravings.

 I made sure I took it easy as well. The last time I did a cleanse , I worked full time! 

You will lack energy, but some how gain a dynamic energy! Your bowel movements will change ! You will glow and loose water retention from your body! You will get upset and want to quit! After the hell of the charcoal / salt drink you will probably feel nauseous … Push through 💩😸 it’s doing a great thing in you. 

You don’t have to follow what I did … But I know a few of you asked me how I did it! 

Recipes below are naturopath approved. However, the first cleanse I did , I based around @plenishcleanse (http://www.plenishcleanse.com/)

